We Still Do

Twenty years ago this little blonde walked down the isle accompanied by her favorite uncle. Before her walked her best friends and her daughter all dressed in lilac to go and meet a handsome man who was dressed in a tuxedo with tails, wearing a top hat, like her son and his grooms men.

At 4:30 PM on September 23, 2000 she took his hand, said her I do’s and walked back down that isle as his wife.

Twenty years later, we have had good times and bad times. Hard times and joyous times. Financially good years and financially bad years. We have had good health and bad health. Agreements and disagreements. Lost family and friends to life and death and have buried more than a few fur babies.

We have traveled on great vacations and shared some flops. But most important through all the times, we a have had a hand to hold. Someone to tell the good thing and the bad things to and someone to come home to.

And for all those reason, We still do.

Twenty years has gone by fast. I can’t count the days or remember most of them. But I do remember the ones that stand out, both good and bad. I also remember who I shared all of them with and that is Husband.

The running joke in this house is I married my stalker so I could get him off the phone and I could get something done. The man drove me absolutely nuts when he phoned me ten times a day. Somedays he still does this, I obviously didn’t get him of the phone but now I would miss those phone calls.

We had a big trip planned for this very specials number of Twenty Years of Marriage, but Covid canceled the trip that we looked forward to in Italy. So rather then let our Anniversary go without celebration, we had a few friends up to the Love Shack to celebrate and share our special day.

The tent went up. The balloons were hung. The Champaign was popped and dinner was shared. A lovely evening was had by all.

The pictures were taken of the pre-party.

Now the humor of this is day is, you always ask everyone to turn off their phones while having dinner. Well, we never asked but everyone had such a good time that no phones came out. This also means, no one took any pictures. Oop’s…

What we did get a picture of is the tree we planted with our daughter-in-law Karen to mark this special day.

As a pair of nature lovers, on each our first, fifth, tenth and fifteen year anniversary’s, we have planted a tree. This year our twenty year, a tree was planted next to the cottage.

Like all the others when we planted them, she is young tree, only fourteen foot tall. Over the years, she will grow into a large tree growing between thirty to fifty foot tall and will provide homes for the wildlife and provided good health back to Mother Earth.

Our new tree, a Service Berry will provide flowers in the Spring to give food for the bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. And will have beautiful Fall colors.

Young Autumn Blaze Maple Tree Mature Chanticleer Pear Tree. "

On this special day, we look back and say thank you to our family, friends, the warriors, our co-workers and our bloggers who have supported us and have been on this journey with us. We thank you for the love and for being part of our journey.


Lacie and Husband

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