Bad Blogger

If I was to get an award this year it would be the Bad Blogger Award.

Image result for award picture


It seems that we are so busy this year that I never have time to sit down and write. It also explains why I’m struggling to get those last few chapters done with the second edits on ” Only With Him.”

On the positive side, we have really been enjoying the cottage and have been spending some time with our cottage neighbors before the season comes completely to an end.

I’ve gone up a few times to get some editing done and really am enjoying the quiet there and being away from the city.

We have made a definite plan to move up to the lake once we retire.

I have never been a city girl, but have been stuck in a big city for the past thirty-seven years. The husband who was raised in the big city thought he was a city person until he got the cottage. Now he too is ready for the quiet life.

Now let me get you caught up at the Love Shack. First thing…. the shed is not up. The rain keeps coming and making the ground to wet and heavy to dig up. This project is going to have to get moved on to next year’s list.

This has been a very wet year here in Ontario and all our lakes are over a foot higher than normal. Last weekend the waves were crashing over twelve feet high break walls.

The high water levels required a new break wall to get added to the beach. The beach you can normally have a beach party on barely exists.  There is only about five feet of sand to walk on from the start of the beach to the water level.

Because of the high water and higher waves, last weekend the co-cottagers who have waterfront were out boarding up the cottages. The windows and doors being covered looked like something you would see in preparation for a hurricane.

The seasoned cottagers tell me to come down to the lake to see the cottages this winter when checking on the Love Shack.   They tell me that I’ll be shocked to see the cottages. That when the water levels get this high that the whole cottages will be covered in ice from the mist freezing.

I plan to do this and shoot some pictures.

Right now the temperature has been warm and we’re still enjoying the cottage, but last weekend I started to bring somethings home. My neighbors were up blowing out the water-lines and packing up the lawn furniture and doing their final close.

This weekend husband and I are going up to do the lawn furniture and dining tents.  I guess I’m going to have to give in and accept that we’re almost at the end of the season and start emptying the cupboards.  I really hate this part.

Oh ya, and we found mouse droppings last weekend.  I think our one annual visitors has already moved in. Mousetraps will be set up this weekend. Sorry mouse.

Well, it’s almost the end of season four. It’s amazing the way we feel about over Love Shack. In only four years she has become the focus of our lives.  Closing her up is a sad day. I feel like I’m leaving a friend who I won’t see for many months. But I still have a few more weekends with her if Mother Nature will co-operate.

Can you believe it’s almost Halloween? Me neither. This summer sure did fly by.

That’s about it. There has been no building, no work, just chatting, visiting and reading. And a lot of sitting on the deck. I think we are starting to master cottage life. Till next Spring that is.




8 thoughts on “Bad Blogger

  1. It’s starting to sound like home. Before you know it, you will be living there full times. Wouldn’t that be nice? It sounds like heaven to me. I’m not a city girl either. I’d much rather be in the forest to find my peace. I’m sad too about you closing up for the winter. Can’t you stay just a little bit longer? LOL

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