What’s On Your Fall Bucket List?

Walking outside and getting hit in the face with high humidity sure doesn’t make it seem like Fall is officially only a week away.

Yesterday I was driving and seen a few (very few) leaves that are starting to change color. This high humidity even has the trees confused but regardless of the heat, it’s September and it’s time to get rolling in my favorite season of the year, Fall.

By September I’m usually sick of the heat of Summer and ready for cool mornings and chilly evenings. This year I think many of us are ready for Fall.

The seasons, for me, starts when the calendar flips over and reads September. Not only am I ready to pull out the sweaters, the crock pot, and the baking paraphilia, but we were married in September and I was born in November. Throw in Thanksgiving and we have a family special occasion every month that takes us to Christmas.

The Fall Decorations were out in the store in August. It was too early to put them up but not too early to buy. They are now starting to get put up in the house.


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Today I pulled out the Halloween bins and will soon start decorating. In the meantime, it’s time to do the Fall Traditions and add something new to the Bucket List.

We did Apple Picking on the weekend. Two bushels of apples later we left the orchard, then hit the Cider Mill, which is also another farm that has fresh vegetables and baked goods.

With the trunk full of apples, vegetables, cider, apple cider doughnuts, pumpkin pie, fresh bread and several bags of vegetables and other fruit, we headed home. We will be back there next month for more baked goods, Fall vegetables, and pumpkins.

Image result for bushel of apples picture
Store bought will never taste as good as right off the tree.

This trip was followed by dropping off gift bags of fresh apples to our friends and neighbors.

An added bonus to the gift bags this year was some beefsteak tomatoes the size of softballs, that I found being sold at the orchid.

It’s funny no matter how much our society changes and our lives get faster, the gift of something fresh or homemade still is big on the best gift received list. Add when it’s not expected, it goes over even nicer.

I enjoy the smiles on the faces when the door opens and they are not expecting me when I stop by to drop off the apples. I never stay more than a few minutes. The bag and a hug are given and on our way, we go. This is something you might want to add to your bucket list. The hugs are worth the effort and it’s a very inexpensive way to say, I was thinking about you.

The next best part of picking the apples and getting the fresh-baked goods is inviting a friend over to have dinner. That too is a tradition. I have yet to have an offer of fresh dinner rolls, pumpkin pie, cider and apple cider doughnuts along with the fresh vegetables turned down.

As I mentioned this is our anniversary month. We were married on the 23rd. This is our eighteenth year married and twenty-second together. We will be celebrating at the Fair, with friends who are celebrating their tenth Wedding Anniversary.

For husbands Bucket List, he has never been to a Demolition Derby. We have the big date at the derby that night, followed by candy apples, cause that’s a Fall thing too.

My new to the Bucket List, I am sanding down and painting two Cast Iron Urns that go in the front of the house. I have never done this before but now that I seem to have become a DIY Member, I seem to be learning to do all kinds of things. This I thank the Love Shack for.

As far as an adventure goes, I haven’t figured out what I would like to try this year and am open for suggestions. Please feel free to share with me what’s on your Bucket List.

The Love Shack is also getting something off of her list done this Fall. I don’t know if we could give her a Bucket List, but she has never been insulated before and as soon as this muggy weather passes, we are heading up to insulate her main room.

We did the bedrooms and hall in the Summer last year and I void to never do that again. Long sleeves, high heat, and insulation do not make a pleasant day.

On the flip side of that statement, without the insulation, the average temperature in the daytime at the cottage this year inside was 90 Degrees Fahrenheit. This was with two air conditioners going and a fan.

We are thankful we scheduled the Gable for May, or we wouldn’t have gotten our big project for this year done. Thank you to the Warriors again for their help.

I’m signing off for today as I have apples to peel, pies to bake and Urns to sand.

I would love to hear your traditions and add something new to my Bucket List.

8 thoughts on “What’s On Your Fall Bucket List?

  1. I love this! Happy Anniversary! We did not apple pick this year as our kids are now out of the house and we spent our time visiting them at school. I really miss our traditional day of running in a race that a friend of mine organizes and then going apple picking where they also have live music so you can sit out, picnic and listen to music after picking apples. Our anniversary is coming up as well -October 1st. We will be just coming off of parents weekend for one of our guys so not sure what we will do.
    Because the weather has been warmer, I have been keeping my summer flowers out til beginning of October and then switching to Fall/pumpkins/mums. Love Fall so much though!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Happy Anniversary to you on your upcoming date. We have been getting the best out of our Fall and it has only just begun. I hope you enjoy yours too. Go apple picking anyway, you don’t need the kids being empty nesters is like dating all over again. Bonus, you get to actually eat the baked goods.


    1. I encouraged a couple of the Warriors to go apple picking this year. I think we might have created a new group event. My recommendation is to go in the morning. Apple Orchids are planted where there is lots of sun. It can get really hot in the early Fall standing there picking apples. PS… I think I need a second trip real soon as we have almost used up and given away one of the bushels already and those are the baking apples.


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