Wednesday Throught the Lens Week 5

In keeping with the request from the bloggers, who are asking for more before and after pictures, let’s look at the worst bathroom ever.

We started out with a toilet that rocked. A roof and ceiling that were rotted and a window that the spiders entered without having to knock.

When we lifted the toilet, there was a hole in the floor large enough that we still to this day don’t know how the toilet didn’t fall through the floor.


The Rocking Boat Toilet


Years of water damage from the roof leaking


We ripped it apart and started over. I painted the tub, the mirror, and the sink cabinet, while husband laid the floor, replaced the ceiling, walls, and window. Together we painted the walls and ceiling. He put in the lights. I did the decorating and the scariest bathroom ever turned in a sea-side bathroom.


And a lovely new floor.
The new ceiling and lighting.


A new window and blinds.


Some decoration from Mexico


The old mirror that had yellowed with time, now blue along with the old cabinet door.



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