1000 Visitors



It’s hard to believe, I never thought this Blog would take off. After all who wants to hear a story about an old cottage, a mid-life crisis, a married couple and their dog… That was July of 2016.

As of today, this blog has been viewed by a 1000 Visitors in thirty-six countries.

I have made new friends. Learned new things and got to read a great book. I have shared our successes, and our laughter and also our loss.

I have learned how to Blog and how to Tweet, but I still have not figured our how to add the Linked in account so I can actually see who is following the Blog .

I have also learned that the numbers on here are actually off. They are actually behind. Not all your Facebook views show up, and Liked in , I have no idea? And also not all your Tweets show up either.

That also goes for followers. I am sure those numbers are behind too. But that’s OK, you see it’s not really the numbers. Though they are fun to watch, it’s the interaction and the conversation, the relationship building and of course the writing that keeps me coming back.

On that happy note, I still want to say, Thanks for popping in. Thanks for the feed back and thanks for following my blog.


9 thoughts on “1000 Visitors

  1. Blogs where there is a natural warmth from the blogger will often do well and people are more likely to tweet to all their followers. Just keep doing what you’ve been doing and watch he numbers go up.
    xxx Massive Hugs and Merry Christmas.xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congrats! I agree with your comments about knowing your stats and how WordPress numbers are off. It’s odd they haven’t figured that out. I’m going to investigate LinkedIn though. I’ve not used that and it keeps coming up as helpful in multiple ways. Keep blogging!


  3. So true! Its not the numbers. For us its the comments that we get and the interaction. In wordpress you get a time lag to respond and also to receive the comments. So its not always instantaneous. Which is fine with us! Can’t stay glued to the device all the time.
    Congratulations for a great blog and may thousands more visitors come a reading and commenting!


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