Eight Years to Retirement

I woke up this morning to the phone ringing and Husband calling to wish me a Happy Birthday. Soon after the phone took off and the texts started coming and then the Facebook posting started. What a wonderful way to start my day.

The humor of those calls is when I got messages from my massage therapist and then my physiotherapist called to wish me a Happy Birthday. Soon after the doctor’s office called to remind me my annual physical is today. Yup, I’m getting older.

From there I had to go and renew my license plate, driver’s license, and my health card. It was my lucky day as there were only five people ahead of me before I got to give the government money for my birthday.

After the morning running around I’m sitting here trying to count back the years and trying to remember how I got to this number… Yes, that would be fifty-seven. It seems like only yesterday that we were celebrating my Fabulous Fifty and what seems not long before that I met husband, already twenty-four years ago.

Stepping back in my mind I remember getting accepted to Nursing School and longer than that holding my first child who is now thirty-six.

I still remember my first date with my boyfriend from High School who is still my dear friend today, yes that would be over forty years ago and sitting on the floor in Grade Five making paper chains with my life long friend Cindy, over forty-six years ago.

There have been so many holidays and birthdays and special moments and special days, that one could never count them all. And yet there they are when I look behind me.

Looking at all of them, makes me look at me. I realize that the bad things turned to something good with time. That each step I took lead to me another person or adventure.

But mostly what I learned was how each person in my life influenced me to be who I am. The good ones and the bad ones. I realize that the bad experiences fade with time and the good ones last a lifetime. I also learned that humans make errors and forgiveness is a gift to all.

It seems hard to believe that we are talking about retirement, when not so long ago we were talking about a school dance.

I don’t know where the time went, but I do know who I spent it with. I’m grateful to the ones still in my life, but I am also grateful to the ones who passed through my life. I am also grateful for the ones who return to my life after a time of absence.

I wrote a speech for my fiftieth birthday and in it, I had said that I was going to start chasing rainbows, not for the pot of gold at the end but just to enjoy the colors along the way.


Image result for pot of gold pictures clip art"


I am pleased to say, that I have learned to chase the rainbows and I keep doing it every day.

So on this day of my fifty-seventh birthday, instead of celebrating me, I would like to celebrate those who have been part of my journey.  Thank you for each day and each year and each birthday that you never forget and always make special.

This past two weeks and the next two will be spent celebrating with lunches and dinners with friends and family. What a lucky girl I am to have so many people who take their time to be with me.

Today will end with dinner with my family at home and then cuddling with the fur babies.  Life is good.

I am now counting the years to retirement and have an actual retirement plan.  I still can’t believe that I’m really that age! WOW!


Eight more years!

16 thoughts on “Eight Years to Retirement

  1. Yes, well it gets worse. I am turning 65 in March and qualifying for Medicare here in the states. It just seems surreal. Retirement for us probably a ways off–we lost so much in the housing market crisis of 2008. Still haven’t recovered–all our money in real estate.Another 3-5 years. In the meantime, I stopped teaching at Northern University to take care of my father with Parkinson’s and my son with Down’s, but am still writing. It sounds like a lovely day there for you. Lots of good friends… enjoy it.

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    1. I have been through the loosing of parents that needed care for and am watching my friends go through that now. Some of my friends are working past retirement age. This aging thing is a kicker. I just got off the phone with a good friend of 30 years who just told me he is looking to move into a retirement home. Holy crap are we having these conversations! Well, we are. I thought 5 years ago that when I couldn’t run anymore, got grey hair and age lines was a biggie. Not so much now… I guess we just have to keep being grateful for what we have and keeping chasing the rainbows.

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  2. Great post and a Very Happy Birthday to you. Sounds like you had – or are having ( difficult to tell with the time differences) a lovely day. Good to have a plan – it will all work out and you will be surprised how well the next eight years will pass, What will also be surprising are the number of conversations that begin “yes, but you’re retired, you’ll have time to do this” Enjoy the day !

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  3. Happy Belated Birthday. I too celebrated a birthday in November. My number is 59. I am thankful for that number. I am thankful for the experiences of life that have made me who I am today. Life is Good.

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